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MMF Canada Community Chat

Community Chat_ Apr 24 - Website 4x3.png

We heard you! MMF Community Chats will be continuing so we can continue to connect with each other through these constantly changing times.

These sessions will be held weekly on Fridays at 1:00 PM ET. Be sure to sign up to secure your spot and to ensure you receive the link to access this week's session.

Some weeks may have themes or discussion topics and as before, each session will have hosts to keep the conversation flowing as we will continue to welcome questions and contributions from everyone throughout the session.

This week's session is co-hosted by MMF Canada Board President Meg Symsyk (eOne Management) and Board Member Jermayne Clayton (Awesome Productions & Management).

JOIN US ON FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2020 at 1:00 PM ET!

If you have topics you'd wish to hear discussed or questions to be raised, you'll have the opportunity to include them as part of your registration. We will do our best to include all that gets requested.


The Chat will take place via Zoom. We recommend you log in to your Eventbrite account prior to the meeting to ensure you can find the event in your account and can access your Zoom link. You may be asked to download the Zoom software but will also be able to join via your browser, which may give slightly reduced functionality but shouldn't affect your experience much.

If you have any issues accessing the webinar, please email